美国马萨诸塞大学医学院2023年招聘博士后职位(免疫学) 马萨诸塞大学医学院(University of Massachusetts Medical School)位于美国马萨诸塞州的沃斯特。 学院建立于1962年,是麻省大学5所校区之一,属于麻省大学系统的一部分。麻省大学是麻省最大的大学,也是该州唯一的一所公立大学,学校在伦敦时报的全球名校榜上排名第75位,在全美公立大学排行榜上名列45名。麻省大学医学院(沃斯特)由3所学院组成,包括:医学院、生物科学研究生学院及护理学研究生学院。学校的核心任务除了提供优秀的健康科学教育课程,也是国家主要的医学研究中心之一。在过去的40多年里,学校的研究人员在人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)、癌症、糖尿病、传染性疾病等方面取得了举足轻重的成就。学院开设的专业课程包括:生物信息学及综合生物学、基因的功能、免疫学、病毒学、神经科学、生物化学及分子药理学、癌症生物学、细胞及分子生理学、分子遗传学、微生物学等。 Post Doctoral Associate University of Massachusetts Medical School Job Description The Rock laboratory is investigating how the immune system carries out immune surveillance to detect and eliminate viral infections and cancers. Among the areas of research are: (1) The mechanisms by which dendritic cells acquire and display antigens to CB8 T cells (cross presentation), a process that is essential for immune surveillance of tissues; and, (2) The antigen presentation pathway by which virally infected or cancer cells display their antigens to effector CB8 T cells (MHC class I antigen presentation), a process that is essential for the immune system to detect and eliminate these pathological cells. The successful candidate will become involved in one or more of the above projects based on project opportunities and the candidate's interest and skills. The Rock laboratory is in a new state of the art research building and part of a very strong and interactive immunology community at UMass Chan Medical School. UMass Chan Medical School is located in Worcester, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. The position requires a PhD in immunology, biology, or a related area. The ideal candidate has substantial experience in experimental immunology and molecular biology and has published first author papers in peer- reviewed journals. Advanced skills in cell culture, immune assays, flow cytometry, molecular biology, biochemistry, and mouse experimentation are desirable. Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, CV and contact information for three references to: Dr. Kenneth Rock Professor and Chair Department of Pathology UMass Chan Medical School Kenneth.Rock@umassmed.edu (mailto: Kenneth.Rock@umassmed.edu)